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You can never get enough of what you don't need because what you don't need won't satisfy you.  - John H. Groberg This is kind of Part 2 of my last post. There, I talked about fathers and why they're important. This post is more about both parents. Vraiment, j'ai peur d'être parent. Je suis très excité à ce sujet aussi, mais l'idée d'être en charge de minuscules humains qui dépendent de moi est effrayante! C'est comme être testé sur un langue qu'on ne vous a jamais appris à parler. ( If anyone reading this post actually speaks proficient French, pardonne-moi, s'il vous plait. ) While parenting is something that I'm nervous about, (just because it isn't something that there's an instruction manual for, and if you mess up you don't get a bad grade, but you get a traumatized human) it's something that I'm to do anyway, and because of that, I want to do it right, or as close to right as I can. I've lea

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